Welcome Back, Little Learners: A Day in the Life at Our Coop Preschool!

The days are getting shorter, the air is getting crisper, and the backpacks are packed to the brim with anticipation. It's that time of year again when our little ones return to school, or perhaps venture into the world of preschool for the very first time. Whether you're a returning family or a newcomer to our close-knit community, we're thrilled to have you join us at our cooperative preschool.

At the Dexter Cooperative Preschool, we pride ourselves on being more than just an educational institution. We're a family, a community of parents who actively participate in their child's journey through these formative years. Together, we create an environment where curiosity is encouraged, friendships are nurtured, and learning is an adventure.

Let's begin by introducing you to the heart and soul of our school, the dedicated educators who will be guiding your children on this incredible journey. In the "3s" class, we have the wonderful Ms. Lisa, a seasoned educator with a passion for fostering early childhood development. For the "4s," we have the equally amazing Ms. Tasia, who brings a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to her classroom. With their guidance, your little ones are in the best of hands.

Now, let's dive into what you'll need to bring with you on the first day of school:

What to Bring:

  • A backpack, large enough to carry art projects and paper

  • 2 or 3 snacks to keep those young minds fueled

  • A water bottle to stay hydrated

  • A complete change of clothes, neatly packed in a labeled ziplock bag (just in case!)

As the big day arrives, here's what to expect:

  1. Arrival and Morning Routine: Children will hang up their belongings on their cubby hooks in the gym and wash their hands in one of two sinks when they arrive. Parents or guardians will sign their child in and help them find their nametag. Each day, there will be a "question of the day" for the children to answer. It's a great idea to practice this at home with your child before their first day!

  2. Start of Class: At 8:30 am or 12:00 pm, the teachers will open the doors, and the school day will begin. Initially, there will be approximately 20 minutes of free play within the classroom, allowing children to ease into the day. The teacher will give a five-minute warning, followed by an announcement that it's time to clean up. All students will lend a hand in tidying up before gathering on the rug for circle time.

  3. Circle Time: Circle time is a special moment when children can chat, read a book, and discuss the day's activities as a group.

  4. Group Activities: Children will be divided into three groups to participate in various activities, including time in the gym with "Bob-a-loo," one of our favorite spots for active play and fun!

  5. Snack Time: Afterward, there will be another shorter circle time, followed by a well-deserved snack break.

  6. Outdoor Play: Weather permitting, the children will have the opportunity to play outside. It's a time for them to soak in the fresh air and explore nature's wonders.

  7. Pick-up: At the end of the morning or afternoon session (11:00 am or 2:30 pm), parents can pick up their children from the playground, where they've enjoyed their time together.

As you can see, our days are filled with exciting adventures, laughter, and learning. We can't wait to welcome your little ones to our cozy preschool community. Stay tuned for more blog posts where we'll share insights, tips, and heartwarming stories from our classrooms. We're looking forward to a fantastic school year together!