Outside Play at the Co-Op

The wind has picked up and the temperatures sure have dropped. Winter is upon us!

But that doesn’t stop the Dexter Co-Op Preschool! Fresh air and free play is important to the children’s development, so they go outside whenever possible for recess. Once outside there is plenty to do – racing down the slides, playing hide and seek with friends, tossing basketballs in hoops on the shed, going for nature walks with Miss Holly, digging in the sandbox, and much more.

The teachers, Miss Jessica and Miss Holly, teach independence every day and in every lesson, and going outside is no exception!

As the children need to don more and more clothes to be warm outside in the chilly air, the teachers encourage them to learn how to do it themselves. They provide encouragement and neat tricks to help the kids navigate the daunting task of snow pants, boots, hats and mittens (oh my!). Parent assists lay out each child’s outerwear for easier access. The kids, with the help of the parents and the teachers, begin the task of learning which items to put on first, how to independently put on jackets (including the incredible flip trick), where to put hats and mittens to find them easily later (safely tucked inside coat sleeves), and how to zip up coats. 

Throughout the winter months, the kids become more and more confident, and this helps translate into self-confidence in other areas. And, I for one, appreciate this help when getting my kids outside to play in the snow on the weekends!

Playing outside at the Dexter Co-Op

Outdoor play is encourage at the Co-Op in any season