So Much Happening at the Dexter Co-op (including Apple Daze!)

Recent Events at the Co-op

Wow, it has been quite a busy few weeks. I have to apologize for not writing this blog post sooner, we’ve all had so much going on that the days slip by! I am overflowing with excitement about the events of the past couple of weeks. We had our first field trip, we ran a booth at the Apple Daze festival, and we painted the plow!

The 3s field trip had its fair share of rain, but the kids made the best of it! They visited Three Cedars Farm in Northville, where they took a hay ride out to the pumpkin patch, talked about the animals, and enjoyed some tasty apple cider and donuts. The 4s classes ventured to Blast Corn Maze, where the kids ran around the tall corn, played in the corn kernels, and also got to experience the joy of pumpkins, apple cider and donuts!

One weekend after the field trip, Dexter Co-op participated for the first time in Dexter’s popular Apple Daze festival. The preschool decided to set up a booth to increase our publicity and ultimately boost enrollment. This was a great time to show off our new logo as well, which we had printed onto shirts for kids and adults. It was exciting seeing parents come together and volunteer to run the booth, help setup and teardown, and provide supplies for the day. Our coloring table, temporary tattoos, and stickers were a huge hit with all of the children who passed the booth, and the activities gave us a great ice breaker to start conversations with parents about joining the Dexter Co-op preschool.

Dexter Cooperative Preschool booth at Apple Daze festival in Dexter, MI

Given our resulting list of new emails from parents who are interested in learning more about the Co-op, we would say our first Apple Daze appearance was a success and definitely got our name out in the community!

Dexter Co-op Merchandise: Available Now!

We have sweatshirts and kid shirts with the new logo on it!

They’re available today, so if you’d like one it’s $20 for the adult sweatshirt, which is a white logo on black, and $16 for the kids long-sleeve shirt, which is the colored logo on black. We’ll have more options available to choose from in the future, so keep your eye out for that announcement. A lot of work has gone into orchestrating a fresh, modern look for our school to keep us relevant as Dexter grows. All profits from merchandise go to Dexter Co-op, so you can help support our school by picking up our cool new look! Contact us here for ordering information.

Coming Soon at Dexter Co-op

We have some fun upcoming activities for our little ones now that Halloween is drawing near. On the 30th and 31st of October, the kids can wear their costumes to school for some extra holiday fun. Parents are invited to come 20 minutes before the end of class to take pictures of the costume parade and pass out some treats!