
Fundraising helps the co-op in many ways by providing a budget for fun extras for our kids, including toys, crafts, art supplies and enrichment experiences! Although fundraising is not mandatory, we truly appreciate our families that are able to help by selling, buying, and/or volunteering. Our seasonal fundraisers are explained below along with some extra ways to raise funds year round:

Seasonal Fundraising Opportunities:

Check back for our seasonal fundraising opportunities!

Easy ways to raise additional money year round:

  1. Busch’s MyWay

    • Go to

    • Create an account if you haven’t

    • Once logged in, select Cash For Education from the dropdown menu under your account

    • Use the dropdown to find Dexter Co-Op Nursery School

    • Once you set this up, the co-op receives a percentage donation every time you shop

    2. Kroger Plus Card

    • Go to

    • Create an account if you haven’t, you’ll need your Kroger Plus number to link your account

    • Once logged in, select My Account from the dropdown on the top right

    • Under Community Rewards on the left, you can choose an organization. Just search for Dexter Cooperative Preschool/Dexter Cooperative Nursery School.

    • Once you set this up, the co-op receives a percentage donation every time you shop